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Sustainable development and planning news

The death of DECC

In her first week of appointment, the Prime Minister Teresa May, has created a new department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.  This will encompass the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) which will no longer stand alone as its own department....

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Energy Minister defends cutting Zero carbon Homes Policy!

Energy Minister defends cutting Zero carbon Homes Policy! Andrea Leadsom has defended the axing of the zero carbon homes programme by stating that other EU policies will ensure that buildings will be nearly zero carbon by 2021 The government's recent decision to axe...

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Zero Carbon Homes lifeline sinks, by 4 votes!

Zero Carbon Homes lifeline sinks -  by 4 votes! After the Lords had reopened the door to zero carbon homes after peers rebelled by sending back the Bill with a 48 vote defeat of the government in April 2016, on 10 May 2016, the government defeated the amendment in the...

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Government learns Green Deal lessons and goes Dutch

Government learns Green Deal lessons and goes Dutch  A  £200m framework for UK energy efficiency work across 5,000 homes to fill the void left by the failed Green Deal project will be led by the UK subsidiary of the Dutch scheme  Energiesprong, set up do achieve...

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Climate Change Committee warning to act on CO2 emissions

Climate Change Committee warning to act on CO2 emissions. A government watchdog, the independent Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has called for the government to act in rolling out a fresh and workable set of green built environment policies to increase the rates at...

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Boris goes ahead with Zero Carbon Homes

Boris goes ahead with Zero Carbon Homes The Major of London, Boris Johnson, has recently announced his intention to impliment the shelved Zero Carbon Homes Standard in London after David Cameron pulled out of the planned move which was due under Building Regulations...

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